
“Kerteriz”, T Union Exhibition, Turkey-UK

…th their different interests and aims however can set limits to the innate communication between the artists and the curator, thus setting conditions of competition. The third meaning is like in Turkish nautical context and in our case is penetrating to the kernel of the undertaking. It indicates the direction to which a place or an object lies from a vessel. Like the Turkish word “kerteriz”, it immediately calls associations to the navigational c…



…his process is delayed, spoiled and falls through as long as the art works compete with the objects of consumption and became conceptually and technologically complex and the art market mechanisms exploits the production rationale and process in favor of its own interests. As long as we, the actors of culture industry discuss the evaluation of the art work in the media and art market and argue about the profit of art and culture institutions, we t…


European Council Brainstorming Meeting, Paris

paris from pompidou

…money. However, CE can play a leading role in guiding the institutions to communicate with appropriate financial sources. CE should communicate with local NGO’s and private sector organizations, collectors and culture entrepreneurs.The basis should be: convincing projects, long term partnerships, promotion of the funding organization, consideration of interests. 5.5 Target Audiences and Education What should be the primary target audiences for CE…



…ose, resist,stop, quit discover: unearth, find, uncover my choice: KINGDOM COME computers choice: paradise: bliss, Elysian fields, Elysian, beyond, heaven, Arcadia, New Jerusalem, Nirvana, Valhalla, Eden, celestial home bliss: ecstasy, rapture, delight, glory, transport, joy, supreme happiness, blessedness my choice: FAIR computers choice: impartial: evenhanded, disinterested, righteous, candid, equitable, objective, dispassionate, honest average:…


Alem Dergisi, Nisan 2010

…n sonra sayılamayacak kadar çok büyük koleksiyonlar oluştu: Menil, Dia Art Foundation, Flick, Saatchi and Saatchi, Tyssen Bornemitza, Farnçois Pinault, Eli Broad, David Geffen, Bernard Arnault, STEVE COHEN, GUY ULLENS (Çin çağdaş sanatı) Koleksiyonları… Bugün hemen hepsi müzelerde sergileniyor. Türkiye’deki özel resim koleksiyonlarının ancak kamuya açılanlarını tanıyoruz; bunların da gözden geçirilmesi ve olasılıkla ayıklanması gerekir; çünkü gözl…


Old and New: Could Biennials Improve?, Istanbul

…ealers, artfair companies, designers, technicians, transport and insurance companies, catering companies, NGO’s, volunteers, interns, universities etc. All these systems, companies and actors are dependend on what? Artist as a producer of art works; without the artists there is no production. What is the paradigm of today’s contemporary art production? What are the conditions of being a acceptable art work within the current aesthetic and critical…



…ice has been discussed. Socrates was charged with impiety – which is has become common charge nowadays in Christian and Muslim societies. He said “Where there is piety there is justice, but there is not always piety where there is justice”. Socrates sees that if piety is a division of justice, then justice must be supreme to all other virtues. Can we say now that the Christian and Muslim societies resolve their concept of justice within the confin…


“Curating Georgian Visual Art” Workshop for Contemporary Art Curators, Tbilisi

…l Art 7 November, 2011, Batumi Hotel Conference Room 10 a.m. – 10:10 am Welcome: Khatuna Ioseliani, OSGF 10:10 a.m. – 12:00 p.m Istanbul- from obscurity to hot spot of contemporary art: Beral Madra 12:00 p.m. – 13:30 p.m How to design exhibitions in a city with particulart communities and with particular socio-economic position: Beral Madra 13:30 a.m. – 14:30 p.m Lunch 14:30 p.m. – 16:00 p.m Presenting artist’s works related to Turkey’s political,…



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Milliyet, Mart 2003

…in sonunda. O portrede neler olduğuna gelince… Bu portre kesinlikle itiraf.com’u aratmıyor. İçinde kendisiyle ilgili tüm bilgiler, kendisinden bile sakladığı çeşitli huylar, anlar ve daha neler neler var. Beral Madra, kendi portresi üstüne bir sergi yapmak istemesinin nedenlerini şöyle anlatıyor: “Günümüz sergi sistemi, küratörleri, en uç noktada aziz mertebesine yükselterek öne çıkarıyor. Serginin gerçek öznesi ve sanat yapıtının sorumlu / sorunl…